Welcome to my blog. The first of, I am sure, many attempts to create a time filler during down time at work.
What is this blog going to be about? I don't know.
Who is going to read it? That is a better question...I don't know. If nobody reads it, at least it will have been written.
I am a Canadian that has moved to Prague...possibly for good, simply because my wife, who is Czech, missed home too much, and our life is set to be (I hope) much happier here. I have left many things behind in Canada: family, friends, hobbies, interests, habits, likes, dislikes, goals, dreams, etc. and have had to re-establish these here in Czech Republic.
I named this blog what it is because I have invaded Neruda's town, the place he wrote about, and the place he loved, and I aim to bring about new, different tales, or povidky, in this town and figure out a few things about it. Like:
What draws people to Prague? This is easy to understand, however complex in explanation.
Why do people stick around? This is much more difficult to understand when you consider the distinct desire for Czech people to watch others suffer at their hand.
And, most of all, why do they (we) come back?? Is it to be uplifted by the spirit of the city? Or to be continuously disappointed by its people and services?
That leads me to the title of this post. It is a question that comes to mind over and over, despite the obvious answer: for my wife. I may come to the conclusion at some point after my "transitional period" or, simply, once I get used to Eurodirt again - that's you Tyler ;-)
But still, as I jump the tram to find yet another alky-bum stinking up the joint, or accept the favour of a store owner unlocking his doors so that I may have the distinct pleasure, as many would love, to look at the overpriced goods he has for sale, I keep thinking to myself:
Why am I here?
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